Before deciding on a card, it is important to consider what you intend to use it for so you can find the most suitable option. It might be reserved for emergencies, or used to shop online and pay bills, or simply as an alternative to carrying around cash. Your spending style helps to determine which card offers the best value and features for your requirements.


We offer a range of cards with great features, rewards and competitive interest rates.

Explore our range of cards

If your card requires activation, you can do so using one of the following options:

  • Log into Online Banking and select "Card Activation" from the "Settings & Security" drop down menu at the top of your screen
  • Log into our Mobile App and select "Activate Card" from the "Cards" menu at the bottom of your screen
  • Call us on 1300 364 400 and we can assist you over the phone

Lock your card

  • Log into our Mobile App and select "Cards" from the Menu and select "Lock Card"


Report lost, stolen or captured card

  • Please contact us immediately if your G&C Mutual Bank credit or debit card is lost, stolen or captured. Call us on 1300 364 400, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • For overseas assistance, call us on +61 2 9307 5400 or contact Visa Global Customer Assistance +1 303 967 1090 (international) or the VISA International Hotline specific to the country you are in.
  • Email us with the subject: URGENT lost or stolen card
  • Contact us before you travel overseas so we can monitor your account more closely. You will also avoid transactions on your cards being stopped by us when we detect overseas purchases. We will need to know your departure date, return date, destination and contact details while you’re away.
  • Alternatively, you can complete the Overseas Travel Form within our Mobile App.
  • Read more about staying financially safe overseas to ensure your travels are memorable for all the right reasons.

Please consult with a financial adviser for personal financial advice.