Our Business Overdraft is a flexible way to manage your short-term cashflow and cover everyday business expenses. Withdraw money up to your approved limit when needed, and deposit funds when your business receives payments.

  • Flexible repayment options
  • Only pay interest on balance owing
  • Easily access funds
  • Options to secure

Product Features:

Business Lending Features
Interest Rate : Interest rates differ based on the type of security you provide for your loan, your loan amount and other factors.
Minimum loan amount : No minimum
Maximum LVR : N/A
Maximum loan term : Subject to annual renewal
Interest calculation : Calculated daily, charged monthly
Repayment type : Billing up to the credit limit then required to bring under limit each month
Establishment fee : Based on the loan amount approved at the time of application
Monthly loan fee : $0
Early termination fee : $0
Extra repayments : N/A
Interest offset : N/A
Redraw : N/A
Loan preparation fee : At cost
Increase/top up : Yes
Business type : Businesses of any type, including sole traders, partnerships, trusts and registered companies. Groups or individuals using the lending facility for business purposes are also eligible.
Security : Secure your loan with residential or commercial property, cash collateral, directors guarantee or general security agreement
Second mortgage security : No
Vacant land as sole security : No

Business Enquiry Form

I have read and understood G&C Mutual Bank's Privacy Policy and agree for my personal information to be handled in accordance with the statement.

Overdrafts are flexible short-term cash flow solutions that can help with the ups and downs of business. An overdraft can cover trading or seasonal cash flow cycles or managing working capital. For example, paying suppliers or purchasing stock when cash flow gets tight. Unlike business loans, overdrafts do not have set repayment commitments. You can draw on the funds in your overdraft, up to the agreed limit, and make deposits when funds are available.

  • Fast and easy access to funds
  • Withdraw money up to your approved limit when you need, make deposits when your business receives payments
  • Pay interest only on what you use
  • No minimum or maximum loan term
  • Flexible repayment options

To be eligible for an Business Overdraft:

  • Your business must be a tax resident of Australia, that is based, registered, and operating in Australia
  • The overdraft must be used for business purposes
  • Customers must be business entities, including sole traders, partnerships, trusts etc
  • The directors, partners or sole traders must be 18 years of age or older
  • Supply a directors guarantee where required

You'll need to meet additional credit eligibility criteria upon application such as:

  • Have been established in their business undertaking for at least 2 years;
  • Have demonstrated experienced and competent management; and
  • Have a history of profitable business operations.
  • Residential Property
  • Commercial Property
  • Cash Collateral
  • Directors Guarantee
  • General Security Agreement

Eligibility criteria, terms & conditions, fees & charges apply.