A: To share your data via Open Banking is entirely your choice. We will never share your data without your consent.

A: You are eligible for data sharing if you:

  • are an individual account holder (joint accounts are currently not available for data sharing via Open Banking)
  • are at least 18 years old
  • are registered for Online Banking and have an up-to-date mobile number
  • have at least one open and eligible account with us that you can access through online banking or our mobile app

A: You will be able to share data such as:

  • Consumer data - certain data we hold about you such as your name, contact details and occupation
  • Account data - certain data we hold about your account such as your account name, type, balance, number, features, direct debits and scheduled payments and saved payees
  • Transaction data - certain data we hold about transactions on your account such as your transaction activity
  • Product specific data - information about the banking products and services that we offer. This information is generic in nature, and therefore does not relate or apply to any identifiable individual or business. It generally includes information about associated product features and benefits, pricing, terms and conditions and eligibility requirements.

A: To share your G&C Mutual Bank data with an accredited data recipient:

  • You authorise - We will ensure that we only share your CDR data with authorised data recipients that you have authorised to share with through an accredited service provider or Online Banking
  • We share - We will confirm with you when your data has been shared.
  • You manage - all your consents 24/7 within Online Banking

A. The Consumer Data Right (CDR) includes technical standards created by the Data Standards Body for the secure sharing of consumer data that apply to both data holders and accredited data recipients. This includes strict accreditation criteria, one-time password verification and secure transmission through designated gateways governed by strict terms and conditions defined by the ACCC. In addition, privacy requirements are also overseen by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

A: You can view data sharing requests by logging into Online Banking and following the steps below: 

  • Select the ‘Account’ menu
  • Select ‘Data Sharing’
  • Here you can view current sharing requests

A: You can withdraw or amend your consent at any time through the CDR dashboard in Online Banking. To access the dashboard, go to the Accounts menu and then select “Data sharing” or by contacting us on 1300 364 400. If you withdraw your consent, we will stop sharing your CDR data with the accredited data recipient.


If you decide to stop sharing your data, the accredited data recipient will give you the option to delete your data from their records. If you don’t choose to have it deleted, or in cases where it can’t be deleted, the accredited data recipient will delete any identifiable data.

A: For more information on the Consumer Data Right, please refer to www.cdr.gov.au or our Consumer Data Right Policy.


For more information about Open Banking at G&C Mutual Bank, you can call us on 1300 364 400.