As a customer owned bank, we are a member focused, values-driven organisation and we are committed to making banking easy, safe and accessible for all of our members – especially those most at risk of elder abuse.


Sadly, elder financial abuse is the most common form of elder abuse prevalent in the community and is likely to increase as the Australian population ages. Those over the age of 50 are most at risk, but it can happen to anyone, including you or someone you care about.


The United Nations (UN) has designated 15 June, every year as the internationally recognised World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). To align with this event and promote awareness of this issue, G&C Mutual Bank developed an Elder Financial Abuse Guide with information to help you protect yourself or someone you love from elder financial abuse. It covers the various types of elder financial abuse; how to recognise the warning signs and safeguard against financial abuse, scams and fraud; as well as the various resources and support services available to assist.


In addition, our terms and conditions have recently been updated to help combat financial abuse, with staff being further trained to help identify the warning signs and provide assistance. G&C Mutual Bank was one of 21 Australian businesses across telecommunications, banking, insurance, education and technology to mobilise against perpetrators of domestic and family violence as part of the respect and protect initiative designed to disrupt the rise of financial abuse in Australia and help prevent the misuse of products and services as a vehicle for abuse.


In 2023, we also released our Guarantor Guide to assist those thinking about becoming a guarantor. The guide outlines important information and risks to consider before making any decision to become one.


Our other member focussed initiatives include:


We're ready to help you

We appreciate everyone’s personal circumstances are different, but encourage members with any concerns about hardship, financial abuse, accessibility or challenging life events to contact us on 1300 364 400.