Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting

G&C Mutual Bank Limited ACN 087 650 637

The 65th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of G&C Mutual Bank Limited will be held on Tuesday 19 November 2024 at 10.30am.


1. Apologies

2. To receive G&C Mutual Bank Limited’s Financial Report, Directors’ Report and Auditor’s Report for the financial year ended 30 June 2024.

3. To consider and, if thought fit, to approve the following special resolution submitted by the Board of Directors:

(a) the members of G&C Mutual Bank Limited approve the proposed total transfer of business by Unity Bank Ltd to G&C Mutual Bank Limited, and that the proposed transfer take effect on 7 March 2025 or on such other date as the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority determines; and
(b) if the transfer of business takes effect, the company name of G&C Mutual Bank Limited be changed to Unity Bank Limited on the date 12 months after the transfer of business takes effect or such earlier date as determined by the Board of Directors.

Notes: Item 3
To be passed, this resolution requires the approval of at least 75% of the votes cast by members at the Annual General Meeting, in person or by proxy.
The reason for the proposal along with additional information is set out in the Member Information Document. Please read the Member Information Document carefully.
Your Board unanimously approves this proposal and recommends that you vote FOR this resolution.


By Order of the Board
Rosanna Argall
Company Secretary

How to Participate in the Virtual Meeting
This year the AGM will be held in person and via Zoom meeting with members able to view presenters, ask questions, make comments and vote on resolutions via electronic poll. You can also ask questions in advance of the meeting by emailing the Returning Officer at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. To participate in the virtual meeting follow these steps:

  1. Email your expression of interest to the Returning Officer by 8 November 2024. You will receive a Zoom meeting registration link via return email.
  2. Register using the email link provided by 3pm on 13 November 2024. You will then receive your own individual Zoom meeting link by 10am on 14 November 2024. 
  3. Click on the individual Zoom meeting link or phone in using the contact details provided on 19 November 2024 at 10:30am.


Proxy Voting
You can appoint a proxy to attend and vote at the AGM on your behalf. The proxy does not have to be a member of G&C Mutual Bank. An Appointment of Proxy form may be obtained by calling (02) 9307 5409 or by emailing the Returning Officer. It includes instructions on how to vote using a proxy. Please read these instructions carefully. To be valid, your Appointment of Proxy form must reach G&C Mutual Bank no later than 48 hours before the start of the Annual General Meeting.

If you have any further enquiries regarding proxy voting or the AGM notice please contact G&C Mutual Bank’s Company Secretary, Rosanna Argall, on (02) 9307 5409 during office hours.


Annual Report
The Annual Report will be available to all members via our website by 11 October 2024. Alternatively, if you wish to have a copy mailed to your address please contact our Member Service team on 1300 364 400.