NSW Ambulance is an integral and dynamic part of the NSW Health System delivering mobile health services and providing high quality clinical care, rescue and retrieval services to those with emergency and medical health needs across New South Wales. 


G&C Mutual Bank’s enduring relationship with NSW Ambulance includes proudly sponsoring the NSW Ambulance Employee of the Month and Employee of the Year Awards for over ten years. Each month, a NSW Ambulance staff member is recognised by the Employee of the Month Award for demonstrating outstanding performance or innovation. At the end of the year, the Employee of the Year is chosen from the monthly award recipients.


The 2019 Honour Roll of Employees of the Month: 

  • January: Jennine Kiely, Duty Operations Manager, Western Sydney
  • February: John Wood, P1 Paramedic, Tweed Heads
  • March: Joshua Soondarum, P1 Paramedic, Bankstown
  • April: Wayne Lucas, Intensive Care Paramedic, Katoomba
  • May: James Braude, Intensive Care Paramedic, Sydney Ambulance Control Centre
  • June: David Barber, Chaplain, South West Sydney
  • July: Laurie O'Shea, Mechanic, Kempsey Ambulance Workshop
  • August: Alan Walker, Paramedic Educator, Rozelle
  • September: Mark Trebley, Indigenous Cardiac Educator, Rozelle
  • October: Jordan Rosser, Sector Duty Operations Manager, Western Sydney & Nepean Blue Mountains Sector Office and Blacktown Superstation
  • November: Kim Higgins, Executive Assistant, Hunter New England Sector Office


The 2019 Employee of the Year - Jordan Rosser, Intensive Care Paramedic

Following a secondment as Acting Sector Duty Operations Manager in 2018, Jordan identified an opportunity to significantly enhance the way NSW Ambulance support their staff who have been exposed to traumatic incidents. Jordan conceptualised a way to strengthen the Significant Events Register so that managers and ambulance psychologists can better identify staff who have experienced repeated or high levels of exposure to vicarious trauma.


Despite Jordan's time in the Sector DOM role ending before he could complete the project, he remarkably managed to successfully build out and implement the model while working as a paramedic and undertaking his Intensive Care Paramedic training. Jordan has gone on to share the model across the organisation so that it can be implemented by other sectors.


"Jordan's efforts demonstrate his extraordinary commitment to the care of his colleagues and his commitment to NSW Ambulance," said Dr Dominic Morgan ASM.


In recognition of his achievement, Jordan was presented with a trophy and will be featured on the staff honours board for 12 months. He also receives $2,000, one night's accommodation in a hotel and an invitation to lunch with executives from NSW Ambulance and G&C Mutual Bank.


Congratulations to Jordan and each of the monthly award recipients from all of us at G&C Mutual Bank.


Jordan Rosser, NSW Ambulance 2019 Employee of the Year, centre, with Vanessa Tomic, Head of People & Culture at G&C Mutual Bank, and Dr Dominic Morgan ASM.

Vanessa Tomic, G&C Mutual Bank, Jordan Rosser, Employee of the Year, and Dr Dominic Morgan ASM